With the advent of the age of intellectual property, trademarks are playing a pivotal role in commerce more than ever. Trademark has become the another way of referring to brands, whether it is from the view of protecting brand, or increasing sales, companies benefit so much from trademarks that it is definitely indispensable to have their trademarks registered.

Prevents Brand Theft

The market is like a jungle - only the fittest and most proactive survive. If your idea or product has the potential to become the next big thing and it leaks before you launch, unscrupulous entrepreneurs won’t hesitate to undercut you. Although there are legal ways to seek redress if you have taken appropriate protection measures, it’s difficult to completely wipe off the knockoffs from the market. There are also infringers who slightly revise logos or trademarks of an existing brand and pass it off as an entirely new business.

That’s why we need trademark as the first defence line against infringements. When you have a trademark, crooks are discouraged from copy your business, even if they do, they can’t get away with it. Keep in mind, you don't really own a product until you have its trademark successfully registered.

Boosts Your Sales

We live in a world of crowded market, more than ever, trademark has become a tool that makes it easy for customers to distinguish your business from your competitors’, it is a symbol that beyond language. Its distinctiveness and exclusiveness make trademark the the most critical factor in driving customers’ decisions. By helping you capture customer attention and making your business, products and services stand out, trademark boosts your sales.

Global Trademark Defend Your Brand In Distant Markets

The Internet has significantly broadened people‘s option of purchasing. Today Shoppers could easily lie in their couches, ordering goods from the other side of the world. The Internet has brought us unprecedented convenience, but at the same time, new threat rises. Counterfeiters in remote countries try to get a piece by preemptive registration. For product creators, it's far from enough to simply obtain trademark in your own country. Even if you are currently not selling your product globally, it's essential for you to register trademarks in major countries. In many cases, the product creator finally lose their rights in certain regions (Jordan brand in China, for instance) for not filing global trademarks as early as possible. In a word, build your trademark portfolio before your brand becomes famous. 

Chinese Trademark Plays An Important Roll In Brand Protection

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The importance of Chinese trademark has never been overestimated.

For any beginner entrepreneurs with limited resources, we recommend you to allocate it into filing Chinese trademark. Of course it's not because Chinese trademarks are magical and boosts your revenues, however, when we talking about anti-counterfeit, it does protect your brand effectively.

The sensible approach is to act one step ahead of the infringers. It is well known that in China, fake factories manufacture most of the counterfeits in the world. Meanwhile, infringers there tend to grab off the Chinese trademarks of counterfeited products. This is a sly move because it in some way help them avoid being taken down by local government.

Fortunately, the Chinese government has amended its law of trademark. With the upgrading of its manufacturing industry, they realized that indulging the counterfeiters could be the blasting fuse to driven investors out. Creators‘ interests has been more and more taken into consideration. With the Chinese trademark, Rights owners can now combat against infringers in a much easier way.

Learn more about process of China trademark registration


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